Sunday, August 14, 2011

Masage Cupping

I have been receiving regular Massage Cupping Bodywork and loving it!  Last week I borrowed a Massage Cupping set from a fellow therapist and that night I ordered my own set.  I have been testing  it on clients this week and have had great reviews. 
One client said she felt that she had more energy and felt as if her muscles had released. Massage Cupping can in some cases release tight muscles/areas to allow me better massage them and get release.
Here is more information on Massage Cupping.  Ask about it at your next visit and I would happy to try it out on you too! 

What is Massage Cupping Bodywork and Body Contouring?

A wonderful ancient technique has found it's place in the modern world of healing. Massage Cupping™ bodywork is based on the common practice of Chinese cupping therapy, and the incredible results that this simple treatment produces have truly impressed those who experience it's subtle power.
By creating suction and negative pressure, Massage Cupping™ therapy is used to soften tight muscles and tone attachments, loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue, bring hydration and blood flow to body tissues, and drain excess fluids and toxins by opening lymphatic pathways. Massage Cupping™ bodywork is versatile and can easily be modified to accomplish a range of techniques, from lymphatic drainage to deep tissue release. This complements many health modalities ranging from spa treatments to medical massage and physical therapy.
Massage Cupping™ bodywork is fun and result-oriented...and the treatment FEELS GREAT!
It wakes the body up and makes it feel invigorated, at the same time producing a profound level of healing through nervous system sedation.
It stimulates the skin by increasing circulation while separating fused tissue layers and draining lymph to promote a smooth appearance and healthy glow.
It works deeper by loosening adhesions, facilitating the muscles to operate more independently and stimulating healthy elimination of accumulated debris in the tissues, organs and systems.

History of Cupping

Cupping developed over time from the original use of hollowed animal horns to drain toxins out of snakebites and skin lesions. Horns evolved into bamboo cups, which were eventually replaced by glass. Therapeutic applications evolved with the refinement of the cup itself, and with the cultures that employed cupping as a health care technique. The true origin of cupping therapy remains in obscurity.
The Chinese expanded the utilization to include use in surgery to divert blood flow from the surgery site. Cupping eventually developed into a separate therapy, with healers treating a variety of conditions. Early written records date from 28 AD, and a traditional Chinese saying indicates "acupuncture and cupping, more than half the ills cured". Chinese medicine observes that cupping dispels stagnation of Blood and Chi, along with external pathogenic factors that invade a weakened constitution. A depleted constitution is often a result of depleted "Jing Chi", or original essence.  This will usually progress to a weakened "Wei Chi", or defense (immune system).
The Egyptians produced a text on ancient medicine that discussed the use of cupping for conditions such as fever, pain, vertigo, menstruation imbalances, weakened appetite and accelerating the "healing crisis" of disease. From the Egyptians, cupping was introduced to the Greeks and eventually spread to ancient cultures in many countries of Europe and even the Americas.  In recent history, European and American doctors widely used cupping in practice into the late 1800's. Research papers were written in the 19th century, and a collaborative effort between the former Soviet Union and China confirmed the clinical efficacy of cupping therapy. It became an official therapy to be found in all Chinese hospitals. Breast cupping became common for inflamed breasts and lactation dysfunctions. The familiar breast pump emerged from this. The 20th century brought about a decline in interest as technology and machines came into use. New cupping sets were introduced using pumps to create the vacuum, and these sets were carried by medical supply companies well into the 1940's.

Benefits of Massage Cupping Therapy

With this rich history of medical application, how does Massage Cupping™ bodywork fit into today's health and spa industries?
Massage Cupping™ techniques are an incredible addition to massage therapy, physical therapy, facials and body treatments. The action on the nervous system is sedating, and people often descend into a profound state of relaxation. On a deeper therapeutic level, Massage Cupping™ therapy is very beneficial for many conditions such as high blood pressure, anxiety, fatigue, chronic headache, fibromyalgia and neuralgia. Body contouring with cupping can eliminate cellulite, and contracted, congested muscle tissue will soften quickly with only a few minutes of Massage Cupping™ bodywork.
Larger cups are used for the broad areas of the back, and a strong vacuum will mimic the rolling action of deep tissue massage without the discomfort. The movement may be long and draining or circular and stimulating for stubborn knots and areas of rigid tissue. The skin will turn very red with strong suction, indicating that the circulation has been brought to the surface. Application of liniments, analgesics, plant hydrosols and essential oil blends immediately after the cupping will enable the absorption of the product deep into the tissue. The increased local blood supply to the muscles and skin will bring nourishment and allow for toxins to be carried away via the veins. The sensation is truly indescribable! People often describe a deep warmth, and a tingling sensation long after the treatment has ended.
Massage Cupping™ therapy is not an irritant to the skin or body. It draws the inflammation out, yet does not add to it. This technique is excellent when used as a contrast therapy with warm or cool compresses, or liniments. Massage Cupping™ techniquescan be used to mimic other massage techniques without the normal stress on the hands of the therapist.
Another profound application of Massage Cupping™ therapy is for the treatment of cellulite. The spa industry has many fine pieces of equipment to choose from, and Massage Cupping™ performs many of the same functions manually. A very light suction provides drainage, while heavier application can be used to stimulate circulation and loosen adhesions or "dimpling". The thighs and hip region should be treated prior to a wrapping procedure to enhance the absorption of product. The temperature of the wrap will be kept lower and more comfortable since circulation and drainage has been stimulated through Massage Cupping™, while solidified deposits have been softened for easier elimination. Successful and enjoyable body sculpting and contouring is possible, with lasting results and many health benefits!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rethink those contracts for awhile.........

I normally do not follow astrological signs or happenings.  Interestingly Mercury in Retrograde has come up 3 times for various reasons today.  I think that is too many to ignore so I am passing  it along.   So maybe I do believe a little..........


What is Mercury Retrograde?:
This happens three to four times per year, when the planet Mercury slows down, and appears to stop (station) and move backward (retrograde). It's an optical illusion, since there is forward movement, like speeding by a slow-moving train -- as it recedes, it appears to go backward.
What happens during Mercury Retrograde?:
Since Mercury rules communication, it's said that everything goes haywire in that area -- emails get deleted or bounced back, mail is returned, calls go out into the ethers, etc. Some people find that their computers go on the fritz or phone lines go down. I've never seen the hard data on this, so make your own observations. It does seem though that miscommunications abound during the retrograde period.
A Time-Out:
Mercury retrograde gives us time to catch up with ourselves, and to look back. Something from the past might return in a different form. This can mean people, ideas or buried insights that need to surface for you to move forward. Often it's felt as a contemplative time, depending on the sign, a chance to go over old ground again, to claim what you missed the first time.
Be Non-Committal:
There's a long-held belief that it's best to avoid making set plans during the Mercury Retrograde. This means being cautious about things like signing contracts, and forming partnerships and corporations. What gets put in writing at this time may turn out to need serious revising after Mercury goes direct. But since tying up loose ends is the domain of retrograde, this type of finalization might fly.
Can you repeat that?:
In our relationships, sometimes we gloss over things that pushed buttons at the time, but which we let slide. What seemed not worth the trouble may reveal itself as a major issue in need of our attention. The Mercury retrograde is a time for review, when the underlying patterns come to light.
Back to the Drawing Board:
Some dreams and goals get lost in the hectic rushing around of daily life. The Mercury Retrograde period can be a rich time of reflection on those longings. This makes it a time for the soul to ponder its destiny. You might look over old journals, review your creative work, muse on serendipities of the past that have pointed you toward your spirit's calling. It can make the retrograde period a time of solidifying a sense of your personal story and where you're headed.

Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde:
Astrology is a tool that can make you aware of patterns, like those that come during a Mercury retrograde. Just observe and see what happens, and be open to the past returning for review. If it's coming back, there's likely something more to learn or release from it. You don't have to retreat to the zen monastery, but a little solitude and quiet reflection never hurt anybody.  

Need a little quiet reflection this month?  
Try a massage.  Call or schedule online.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Boone Dawdle 2011

August 20th 3-11pm

Have you heard about the Dawdle? 

To Dawdle means to take one’s time, to proceed slowly.  It's a great way to ride along the MKT and raise money for the T/F Film Fest.  

Oh and I will be chair massage along the way!  

Grab your bikes and dawdle along the MKT to Les Bourgeois, listen to some music and get a chair massage along the way.  Then have a relaxing dinner at the vineyards and later watch a brand new documentary. All to benefit True/False Film Fest. 

Click here to learn more and purchase tickets.

Volunteers are still needed.  Click here to find out more information on volunteering! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I massage Gold Medalists!

No it wasn't an Olympic Athlete but a Show-Me State Games Athlete.

Last year I watched my friend Rod Brownell compete at the Show-Me State Games weight lifting competition.  This year he asked if I would give him a sports massage the night before.  As a physical therapist and owner of a PT clinic and gym he massages his clients and knows hows the over all benefits. Of course I said yes and  he tied a record and won 2 gold medals. Coincidence?  Hmmm.......

Read Rods full article Here
What is Sports Massage?
Massage has become an integral part of the new athletic regimen from sports medicine clinics, to college training rooms, to professional locker rooms to Olympic training. Growing number of trainers believe that massage can provide an extra edge to the athletes who participate in high performance sports. Massage has become a necessary ingredient for a complete workout. More and more people are realizing that a complete workout routine includes not only the exercise itself, but also caring for the wear-and-tear and minor injuries that naturally occur with strenuous movement. The physiological and psychological benefits of massage make it an ideal complement to a total conditioning program.
Anyone who routinely stretches their physical limits through movement such as running, cycling, hiking, swimming, dancing, tennis and other racquet sports, strength training and aerobics can benefit from a massage. There are others who does strenuous activities in a day that is not normally classified as exercise. Examples are mothers with small children, gardeners, and others who use their bodies strenuously in their work.
Incorporating massage in your conditioning program has many benefits. It helps you get into good shape faster, and with less stiffness and soreness. It helps you recover faster from heavy workouts, and relieves conditions which may cause injury.

Regular sports massage can:

  • reduce the chance of injury, through proper stretching and event preparation, and through deep tissue massage;

  • improve range of motion and muscle flexibility, resulting in improved power and performance;

  • shorten recovery time between workouts;

  • maximize the supply of nutrients and oxygen through increased blood flow;

  • enhance elimination of metabolic by-products of exercise.
Lance Armstrong travels with his massage therapist.  Why shouldn't you?  Or at least incorporate it into your routine.  There are 3 areas of sports massage.  So no matter if you are training for a 5k, marathon or chasing your kids around the kitchen, sports massage can help.  Call to schedule your pre or post event sports massage.