Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why Face Up?

Ever wonder why I usually start you start face up?   Besides being relaxing there a few technical reasons.  Most of us sit at desks and have our bodies in a head and shoulder forward position.  For this article the overworked and overstretched  muscles are the muscles of the shoulder and back and the opposite or agonist muscles are the pectoralis muscles.  Both become tight, one is over-worked and over stretched-back, the other-pecs, become tight from lack of use and they become 'short.'

When you start a client face up and lengthen the short, tight anterior muscle groups (pecs) , you aid in relaxing the weak inhibited posterior shoulder stabilizers. Once the therapist manages to restore normal muscle resting lengths to the tight agonist muscle groups, it reciprocally turns down the noxious afferent stimuli and relieves many of the myofascial and neuromuscular pain patterns.
(Figs 6-8)
Pectoralis Major Work Fig. 6 Pectoralis Major Work.Since much of our pain comes from living in forward head flexed postures with medially rotated shoulders, starting a client face up often makes more sense. This assures that the majority of short flexor muscles groups are lengthened prior to working on weak, inhibited extensor muscle groups.

So...the reason you are generally started face up is to relax and stretch the shorter muscles to have better access to the overstretched muscles of the back and shoulder. 

Ever wonder what scar tissue and normal tissue look like?  No?  Well just in case you ever wonder.  This is what we strive for!

 Scar tissue above.  Aligned tissue here.

Article and pictures taken from Massage Today Article
By James Waslaski

I have also added a 75 Minute Massage to the list of services and as a gift to you if you schedule a 60 Minute Massage 4/23-5/6 you will automatically be upgraded to 75 Minutes! All appointments will be at Walnut St during this time.  Sorry, this cannot be used with other promotions such as gift certificates or coupons but did you know you can always upgrade your massage time $10 for 15 Minutes or $20 for 30 Minutes? 

This would be the perfect time for you to use that Gift Certificate you have been saving.

Don't forget Mothers Day! MOMS do so much for us every day so give her something special this Mother’s Day. An Instant Gift Certificate ensures mom will spend a few precious hours focused on relaxation and rejuvenation.

Just go to my website and click on gift certificate, choose a design, personalize a message then print or email the gift instantly. It really is that simple, the ultimate gift solution.

Schedule online now

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wellness Plan

Wellness Plan

Starting April 1, 2011

Purchase your first massage of the month at regular price and get $10 off for each week you rebook!  (up to 4 weeks only)

For example if you get a 90 Minute Massage the first week of the month it is $75.  Week 2 it is $65 and so on.  If you miss a week it starts over. 
This discount resets at the beginning of every month.  No monthly fee, no build up of appointments.  You simply take it advantage of it when you need it!

Great for those extra sore times or  to start making massage your weekly health routine!